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Mouth blown doll eyes. Color: BROWN
Premium quality mouth blown solid glass eyes. Of course made in Lauscha, Germany
In our search for only the best quality glass eyes for our doll kits, we have found a small manufacturer in Lauscha, the glassblowing capitol of Germany, that delivers real craftsmanship. These solid eyes are mouth blown and when finished, hand sorted to make a matching set. The pupils are deep inside the eye and there is a dark circle around the iris. Together with their rich colors and shine and their natural round shape in both the diameter and the dome, (with the full rounds) it will make them very close to a real eye of a human being. Of course we only sell first class quality.
There are several colors and sizes available, both full rounds and flat backs. It's extremely hard to get pictures that do justice to the natural look of these eyes, better pictures will follow when available. Current pictures are taken by daylight in a blanc Paris kit.
The newly added 20mm Mix & Match eyes have a slightly smaller Iris so they will fit in nicely in our 18" Mix & Match kits and you will see some white around the eyes. Of course they can be used in other kits too if you like to see more white of the eye. So only difference compared to normal 20mm eyes, is size of the iris. ( -1 to -2mm)
Because the eyes are hand made and individually crafted there can be slight differences in the tone of the eyes and size of the pupils, just like a real human eye.
There are several colors and sizes available, both full rounds and flat backs. It's extremely hard to get pictures that do justice to the natural look of these eyes, better pictures will follow when available. Current pictures are taken by daylight in a blanc Paris kit.
The newly added 20mm Mix & Match eyes have a slightly smaller Iris so they will fit in nicely in our 18" Mix & Match kits and you will see some white around the eyes. Of course they can be used in other kits too if you like to see more white of the eye. So only difference compared to normal 20mm eyes, is size of the iris. ( -1 to -2mm)
Because the eyes are hand made and individually crafted there can be slight differences in the tone of the eyes and size of the pupils, just like a real human eye.