Adriesdolls ships world wide and offers several shipping options, regular, priority and Express shipping. Only the methods available for your destination will be shown during check-out.
Available shipping companies:
UPS offers a number of different options to most countries and some limited options for other countries. Big plusses for UPS are the tracking updates and quickness. With most options they offer, your parcel will arrrive within a few days only.
All rates we offer are taken life from the UPS website and we get a nice discount on shipping that is automatically put in effect in the rate shown. As UPS has their own Customs department, delays are almost non-existing.
Our national postal company. (Adriesdolls is located in The Netherlands). We ship with PostNL already for 18 years and they have proven to be extremely reliable. We never lost a parcel except once in a warehouse fire in 2008. PostNL offers basically two shipping options, Standard and Priority.
Standard: For most European countries, parcel will arrive in 4 to 14 days. For most other countries it will be 8 to 21 days.
Priority: For most European countries, parcel will arive in 1 to 7 days. For most other countries it will be 4 to 14 days.
In both cases time of delivery is highly depending on your local Customs, we ship with all correct paperware to make sure there is no delay from that part. However, more and more we learn that local Customs inspect all parcels in an entire container. This causes delays that we unfortunately cannot help.
Available shipping companies:
UPS offers a number of different options to most countries and some limited options for other countries. Big plusses for UPS are the tracking updates and quickness. With most options they offer, your parcel will arrrive within a few days only.
All rates we offer are taken life from the UPS website and we get a nice discount on shipping that is automatically put in effect in the rate shown. As UPS has their own Customs department, delays are almost non-existing.
Our national postal company. (Adriesdolls is located in The Netherlands). We ship with PostNL already for 18 years and they have proven to be extremely reliable. We never lost a parcel except once in a warehouse fire in 2008. PostNL offers basically two shipping options, Standard and Priority.
Standard: For most European countries, parcel will arrive in 4 to 14 days. For most other countries it will be 8 to 21 days.
Priority: For most European countries, parcel will arive in 1 to 7 days. For most other countries it will be 4 to 14 days.
In both cases time of delivery is highly depending on your local Customs, we ship with all correct paperware to make sure there is no delay from that part. However, more and more we learn that local Customs inspect all parcels in an entire container. This causes delays that we unfortunately cannot help.
Because of the origin of our products and the use of the correct HS Codes for Customs purposes, there are NO import fees for you when buying direct at Adriesdolls!
For UK-customers, see our info page as Brexit caused a big change for all of us!
For UK-customers, see our info page as Brexit caused a big change for all of us!