To avoid lots of separate emailing and work and to keep things fair and equal to all customers, we have a preorder system in place. Please read carefully. As with everything it is fairly easy once you know what to do.
Preordering consists of 2 parts. The initial Preorder and paying the remaining amount.
1) First make a pre order for the kit in our webshop. No shipping will be calculated for this item and you can proceed as with any normal order. In case you want to order other items, no problem! Just add all you like and proceed to checkout as usual. After you finished your order and paid, you will automatically get a temporary specific membership within our webshop.
This membership reveals a hidden product in the webshop exclusively for customers with that membership. It can be found in the same category as the preorder product and will typically start with: Remainder XXXXX" Customers without that membership, will not be able to see it nor order it.
2) As soon as you like after paying for the initial preorder, you can pay for the remainder by ordering the same number of this newly revealed item as you made preorders for. Of course you can also wait for the message that the preordered kits are in stock. (BE AWARE THAT YOU NEED TO LOG IN WITH THE SAME E-MAIL ADDRESS YOU USED TO MAKE YOUR PRE ORDER WITH FOR THE WEBSITE TO BE ABLE TO RECOGNIZE YOU!!!!)
Just put the same number of kits that you preordered in your basket, add other items if needed and proceed to checkout.
Preordering consists of 2 parts. The initial Preorder and paying the remaining amount.
1) First make a pre order for the kit in our webshop. No shipping will be calculated for this item and you can proceed as with any normal order. In case you want to order other items, no problem! Just add all you like and proceed to checkout as usual. After you finished your order and paid, you will automatically get a temporary specific membership within our webshop.
This membership reveals a hidden product in the webshop exclusively for customers with that membership. It can be found in the same category as the preorder product and will typically start with: Remainder XXXXX" Customers without that membership, will not be able to see it nor order it.
2) As soon as you like after paying for the initial preorder, you can pay for the remainder by ordering the same number of this newly revealed item as you made preorders for. Of course you can also wait for the message that the preordered kits are in stock. (BE AWARE THAT YOU NEED TO LOG IN WITH THE SAME E-MAIL ADDRESS YOU USED TO MAKE YOUR PRE ORDER WITH FOR THE WEBSITE TO BE ABLE TO RECOGNIZE YOU!!!!)
Just put the same number of kits that you preordered in your basket, add other items if needed and proceed to checkout.
In case you decide to wait until the kits are in stock, you will get a message from our website that the product is now back in stock and you can proceed to step 2 to finish your pre order by paying the remaining amount.